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ARS ambiente partner del progetto Waste4Think finanziato da Horizon 2020

ARS ambiente partner del progetto Waste4Think finanziato da Horizon 2020

Copertina waste4thinkDopo una selezione tra oltre 200 progetti, all’interno dei bandi Horizon 2020 (Programma Quadro europeo per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione 2014 – 2020) nell’ambito della call H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage, solo 70 hanno avuto accesso alla fase 1 e tra questi solo 4 alla fase 2! Tra questi il progetto Waste4Think “Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems”. ARS ambiente é partner del progetto, con ruolo di coordinatore di alcune delle attività svolte in Italia, insieme con i 18 membri del partenariato guidato dagli spagnoli di FUNDACION DEUSTO (Fondazione del Politecnico di Bilbao) e comprendente aziende ed enti di Spagna, Grecia, Danimarca, Italia, Germania, Polonia e Portogallo.

The main objective of this project is to move forward the current waste management practices into a circular economy motto, demonstrating the value of integrating and validating a set of 20 eco-innovative solutions that cover all the waste value chain. The benefits of these solutions will be enhanced by a holistic waste data management methodology, and will be demonstrated in 4 complementary urban areas in Europe. The ecoinnovative solutions include technological and non-technological tools such as: a) IT tools to support the daily operation and long-term planning, b) Apps for citizens empowerment and engagement, c) Educational materials based on innovative teaching units and serious games, d) Tools for citizen science for the co-creation of novel solutions, e) Mechanisms to boost behavioral changes based on economic instruments and social actions, and f) Decentralized solutions for valorization and reuse of high value resources. The different solutions will be implemented in 4 complementary European areas: a) Zamudio (ES) is a highly industrialized area with a spread population that uses a separated kerbside collection; b) Halandri (GR) is a large suburban city with a wide range of business that has a very basic waste management system; c) Seveso (IT) is a residential town that uses a door-to-door system; d) and Cascais (PT) is an extensive and high touristic coastal town that implements an advanced collection system. The project includes a consortium of 19 partners with 4 public agencies and administrations, 3 research centers and universities, 8 SMEs, 2 LEs, 1 cluster and 1 NGO, that will work together during 36 months with an overall contribution from the EC of €9M.The most relevant expected impacts are: a 20% increase in waste sorting, 10% saving of management costs, and 10% reduction of GHG emissions. The experience gained, and the synergies among the partners describe the best possible scenario to launch new governance and business models.

Nella foto la prima riunione di coordinamento dei partner italiani il 28 dicembre 2015 Agenzia InnovA21 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile.

Incontro partner italiani W4T 28.12.2015

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